ITT Website Reporting Channel

ITT has implemented an Internal Reporting System in compliance with the provisions of Law 2/2023, of February 20, regulating the protection of persons who report breaches of regulations and the fight against corruption. This tool aims to enable employees, customers, collaborators, suppliers and other third parties the organization interacts with to report, both confidentially and/or anonymously, any potential breaches or violations of the organization’s internal rules as well as to report any infraction or omission that they become aware of which may be a violation of European Union law or their financial interests or a criminal or administrative offence under Spanish law.

Here is the Internal Reporting System Policy, which reflects the principles underlying the ITT reporting channel. These include ensuring the confidentiality of reports; prohibiting retaliation of any kind; ensuring the informant’s anonymity, if desired, as well as that of any third party mentioned and/or involved in the report and any processing and actions that stem from the report; guaranteeing the right of honor and presumption of innocence, and others.

You can also find the Reports Management Procedure, which sets out the necessary provisions for ITT reporting channel to comply with the requirements of Law 2/2023, of February 20, regulating the protection of persons who report breaches of regulations and the fight against corruption. Reports will be processed in accordance with this procedure and can be filed in in several ways:

In writing:

· Electronically by email to:

· By postal mail to C/ de València, 284, 08007 Barcelona, Attn.: Head of Internal Reporting System.


· By requesting an in-person meeting with the head of the internal reporting system.

· Over the telephone.

The circumstances may also be reported to the Anti-Fraud Office of Catalonia, the external designated independent whistleblower protection authority, by means of the following mailbox: Alternately, reports can be sent by postal mail to:

Oficina Antifrau de Catalunya

C/ Ribes 1-3, 08013 Barcelona

Telephone: 935 545 555 | Fax: 935 545 564