Book ITT

On 15th of December we launched the book ITT1878 in Barcelona. The story this book tells helps us to learn more about ourselves, to find strength in times of crisis and to plan our future with enthusiasm and confidence.

The book tells the story of the salespeople who have imported and distributed machinery since 1878. The saga begins with the pioneering initiative of the German Alberto Ahles, who opened a farm tool shop in Barcelona, followed by the story of how Pere Parés Serra defended the business during the First World War and then that of Felix Schalyer, who fought to save innocent lives during the Second World War. It describes the tireless efforts of Pedro and Francisco Parés Fernández and the sacrifices made by Francesc Parés Canalías in challenging times. The book concludes with the decisive transformation of the company, led by Ramón Ariño Arenas, Xavier Domènech Mir and the others ITT partners.